PureTalk Reviews

: 29

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

New phone plan
I am really loving my new phone plan! It's great that the company is American and owned by a...Read on
A. Kutch

Most relevant negative review

Pure Talk Cell Service
I am very disappointed with this company. We decided to change service companies because of some ...Read on
Allen Williams

Review with most votes

2 wireless lines
fast set up and delivery of sims bad bad bad.... pay for unlimited calls and texts. texts and ...Read on
Helen L

Reviews (29)






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    Would buy here again

    Phone upgrade assistance

    I wanted to upgrade my phone so I called customer service for help. I was so impressed by the representative - they were professional, friendly, and really knew their stuff. Daekwon went above and beyond to assist me and showcased the top-notch service that the company is known for.

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    Would buy here again

    Activating phones and purchasing new iPhone

    Yeah, so I had to set up two phones and get a new iPhone. The best part was that everyone I spoke with was American and spoke really good English. Didn't have any problems with service or connecting. I live in a really rural area of Alabama, but the coverage was just as good as when I had that other phone company that starts with an "A" and ends with a "T". Really pleased with how everything turned out!

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    Would buy here again

    New phone plan

    After using this new phone plan for a while, I gotta say I'm really liking it. Everything works great, just like my old plan. Calls, texts, and internet all work perfectly. But what I love most is how easy the website is to use, especially for tracking my data. I set a goal of 15GB per month to keep my bill down, and being able to check my usage easily really helps me stay on top of it. It's like a fun little challenge to save money every month.

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    Would buy here again

    Affordable prices

    The prices at PureTalk are really great compared to other carriers, so it's worth dealing with the little annoyance of not being able to send pictures easily from my iPhone. I've had some problems sending texts and pics, especially when sending them to Android users. It's frustrating when there's always some glitch or bug messing up the communication. But even with these issues, the money I save with PureTalk is so good that I'm willing to put up with these little hiccups.

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    Would buy here again

    Switched phone carriers

    I recently switched my phone carrier from one of the big companies to a smaller one and I gotta admit, I was pretty nervous about it. But you know what? The folks at the new company have been super friendly and really helped me out. Plus, ever since I made the switch, I've been saving a ton of money and they even offer discounts for veterans like me! I'm beyond happy with the change and just wanted to give them a shoutout for being so awesome!

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    Would buy here again

    Good phone plans, affordable rates

    I switched to this new service provider because I wanted to find a cheaper phone plan. I was happy to see they had a bunch of different plans to choose from that fit all kinds of needs and budgets. Buying a new phone and changing my plan was super easy and went smoothly. The customer service folks were really nice and knew their stuff, which made the whole experience stress-free.

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    Would buy here again

    $5 Military Discount

    I just signed up with them and they said I'd get a $5 discount every month as a Vietnam Era Veteran. But even after trying multiple times and sending in my DD214 twice, they still haven't given me the discount on my bill. It's pretty frustrating to see them not follow through like they said they would, and it's left me feeling disappointed with their customer service. Plus, their failure to keep their promise to a veteran like me has made me tell 7 other vets not to sign up with them.

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    Would buy here again

    Pure Talk Cell Service

    I am very disappointed with this company. We decided to change service companies because of some great reviews and radio advertising. However, I have had nothing but run arounds since I tried to install the service. No, I do not recommend them to anyone if you want help with anything.

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    Would buy here again

    New iPhone and service

    Do not use Pure Talk. I really wanted this to work out and the company seemed great from the outside. My whole buying process and customer service has been a nightmare. I have been with them than less than a week and around 8 or 9 customer service people and no one can resolve an issue. They just all say they are putting notes in my account but nothing happens. I bought a new phone and service with overnight service. They don't tell you it takes a few days to process orders so overnight is worthless, which is misleading. Once I received my overnight phone after 3 days it wouldn't even turn on. No one checked the phone. No one has reached out about sending a new phone. So I'm paying for service and still no phone and no urgency by the company.

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    Would buy here again

    2 wireless lines

    fast set up and delivery of sims
    bad bad bad....
    pay for unlimited calls and texts. texts and phone call service is just cut off from use every month when they think you have used too much of your unlimited service. phone calls go out and recording says out of minutes must pay.... then have to call for a data reset... do not waste your time!!!!!

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