Verizon Reviews

: 23

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22% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

New phone purchase
I just bought a new phone from this company and let me tell you, I was really impressed with thei...Read on
R. Marks

Most relevant negative review

Affordable connectivity sign-u
I was trying to sign up for this affordable connectivity program, it was a mess. I got transferre...Read on
L. Kilback

Review with most votes

Verizon: Reliable but Overpric
As a Verizon customer, I have mixed feelings about the company. On one hand, their network covera...Read on
Diamond Jones

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Regretful experience

    I went to this store, and let me tell you, it was a total nightmare! I had to wait forever just to get a receipt, especially after having a rough time with customer service the night before. And get this, the management couldn't even print it out for me! I ended up chatting with another couple who had been waiting even longer just to get a copy of their bill. No apologies, just a bunch of lame excuses. My advice? Stay far away from that place, seriously.

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    Would buy here again

    New phone and service plan

    I recently bought a new phone and a service plan, and I wanted to talk about my experience. Honestly, I've been really let down by the service I've gotten from this company. When I got my new phone, I had trouble transferring my contacts from my old phone. I was surprised to find out that the company doesn't support transferring contacts from Samsung devices, even though I've been a loyal customer. They never told me this when I bought the phone, and I felt like the salespeople at the store were deceiving me. I lost important contacts I've collected over the past ten years, which has been really inconvenient. I've spent a lot of time trying to fix this problem with both the company and Samsung, but they've just given me excuses and haven't been helpful. Overall, I'm really disappointed with the customer service and how unclear they were about their services. I'm going to start looking for other options and won't be going back to this company in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Phone and data plan

    My experience with this company was just not good at all. They were quick to take my money but didn't really provide much in return. When I tried to talk about the problem, I had to really push to get a refund for the bad service I got. The staff was nice, but they just couldn't seem to fix any of the problems. I saw other customers having issues too. So I ended up switching to a different provider because I couldn't deal with the poor quality and lack of responsibility from this company anymore.

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    Would buy here again

    Unlimited plan switch

    I've been a loyal customer for years, so when I was finally offered an unlimited plan, I decided to switch over. But man, it's been a real letdown. After switching providers, my old company kept charging me for days I didn't even use their service because they claimed I never cancelled auto payments. It's frustrating dealing with a big company that can't update their systems to show that if I'm not using their service, I shouldn't be getting charged for it. And to top it off, they told me it'll be September before I see a refund for the overcharged amount. It feels shady, like they're just trying to keep my money for as long as possible without giving me any service. It's like they care more about squeezing money out of a customer with a high bill in a rural area than actually providing the best plan and service for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent billing issue

    I had a problem with my bill because there were extra charges for a line that I already cancelled two months ago. When I called customer service for help, the person I talked to was really rude and didn't believe me about the charges, even though they were right there on my bill and the automated system could see them too. I had to wait on hold for a long time, and then they just hung up on me without fixing anything. I'm just really annoyed and let down by how bad the customer service is from this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Bill correction frustration

    The customer service at this company is seriously a joke. They have no clue what they're doing and can't even handle simple tasks like fixing a billing mistake. I had to call five separate times just to try and get them to fix the issue, and every time they promised they would take care of it. But guess what? Nothing ever got fixed. The last person I talked to basically told me to wait for another billing cycle before they could do anything. It's ridiculous! They don't seem to care about helping their customers at all.

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    Would buy here again

    Sim card swap leading to hack

    I can't believe how incompetent this company is. They let someone switch my sim card without even checking with me first, and now my phone number was used to hack into my Coinbase account and steal $10,000. It's just not okay that Verizon would be so careless about security, putting us customers at risk like this. I'm so frustrated and disappointed with how they're not taking responsibility for this breach of privacy and security. Verizon, you really need to step up your game.

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    Would buy here again

    International plan

    I gotta tell ya, I was really let down by the service I got from this company. They charged me for roaming while I had my phone in flight mode at a party. Overcharging me by more than $600 is just not cool. Sure, they said sorry and refunded me $79, but that doesn't even come close to making up for their $521 blunder. I hold them to a higher standard and it's obvious they have some big problems they need to fix.

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