Bookaway Reviews

: 29

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79% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

First booking experience
My first time booking was actually pretty smooth. I was kinda unsure at the beginning, but it all...Read on
Antonina Schuster

Most relevant negative review

Novalja to Split Airport trip
I just booked a trip on this site from Novalja to Split Airport, or at least that's what I t...Read on

Review with most votes

Transfer Monteverde-Manuel Ant
I took this service to get from Monteverde to Manuel Antonio and I gotta say, it was so smooth. T...Read on
Danny Fahey

Reviews (29)






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    Would buy here again

    Ferry tickets booking

    I booked ferry tickets to the Philippines two times using this service, and both times I was super satisfied. The booking was really easy, and I got my tickets by email quickly. The actual trips were smooth and problem-free, no hiccups or delays. I really like how reliable and efficient this service is, and I'll definitely use it again for my future travels.

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    Would buy here again

    Train ticket booking

    I just booked train tickets online and it was so easy and convenient. I picked out my carriage without any problems. When I went to grab my tickets, everything went smoothly. The train was super clean and looked great, with cool tribal prints on the cushions and bedsheets that really made it unique. Even though I didn't sleep much, they gave us tons of food and water to keep us comfy along the way.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking issue resolution

    I had a problem with a booking and needed help. It did take a while to get it sorted out, but I want to give credit to the team for going above and beyond to make sure I was happy with how things turned out. The customer service was top-notch and really helped me out. I'm grateful for the team's quick response and dedication to fixing the issue.

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    Would buy here again

    Bus ticket purchase

    I was really disappointed with my experience using Bookaway. The customer service was seriously lacking, and I never heard anything back after I placed my order. I thought the prices were way too high compared to other services I've used before. Plus, the bus driver was super rude and unprofessional, which made the whole trip really uncomfortable.

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    Would buy here again

    Terrible service

    Man, that service was just awful! I made a reservation, but then couldn't get a hold of anyone. The website was all confusing and didn't even have the info I needed. So, we're just chilling there waiting for our ride that never showed up. Bookaway really let me down, what a waste of money. I suggest steering clear of them no matter what. It would've been way better and cheaper to just arrange the transportation when we got there.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy and Professional Booking

    If you're sick of dealing with slow and unresponsive companies, then you should definitely check out this booking service. Working with them was a breeze, and I was really impressed by how professional and efficient they were. You won't have to wait around for responses - they get back to you right away!

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    Would buy here again

    Bus transfer service review

    I took a bus transfer service to the airport recently and it was so good. The bus picked me up on time from my hotel and took me straight to the airport. They made stops so we could take a bathroom break which was nice. The driver changed halfway through but both of them were really good - safe and friendly. I thought it was a great deal and I'm grateful for how well it went.

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    Would buy here again

    Ferry ticket purchase

    I was really happy with how easy it was to book our ferry tickets through Bookaway. They gave us all the info we needed and made sure we got our tickets without any problems. It was a relief to know everything was sorted and we didn't have to worry about anything going wrong. I'll definitely use their services again next time.

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    Would buy here again

    Train journey through the Nile valley

    My recent train ride through the Nile valley was amazing. I hopped on the day train from Giza to Luxor at Ramses station in Cairo, and it was a breeze. The train was right on time and got us to our destination just a tad late, which was totally fine. The staff and police officers were super nice and helpful the whole way.

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    Would buy here again

    Transfer Monteverde-Manuel Antonio

    I took this service to get from Monteverde to Manuel Antonio and I gotta say, it was so smooth. The shuttle came right on time, it was super comfy, and not overly crowded. Overall, I had a really great experience and I would definitely use it again for any transfers in Costa Rica.

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