Citizen Reviews

: 28

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29% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hotel stays in multiple locati
My partner and I have been lucky enough to stay at a bunch of hotels in different cities all over...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Extended stay due to obstacles
I had such a terrible experience at this place, it's hard to put into words. Had to extend m...Read on

Review with most votes

Citizen: Just Okay
I recently purchased a watch from Citizen and I have to say, I'm pretty satisfied with my experie...Read on
Alden Mueller

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Unsubscribe frustration

    I'm just so annoyed by this whole situation with trying to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Why do I have to log in just to unsubscribe? I can't even remember my password and I haven't gotten any emails with a link to reset it. I keep checking my spam folder, but still nothing.

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    Would buy here again

    Uncomfortable small rooms with sink in room

    The rooms at this place are way too tiny and uncomfortable, and it's just plain weird having the sink right in the room. Plus, the iPad stuff doesn't work right - my neighbor messed with my lights! I had a really bad time here and definitely would not tell anyone to stay here.

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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced, underserved

    This place is so strange. The hotel theme is bizarre, and the rooms are super small - like only half the size of a regular hotel room. You have to use a little iPad for everything, and when it stops working, you can't even control your lights or TV. There are no amenities at all. They don't even give you coffee in the room, and there's no microwave. The mini-fridge they provide is tiny, like a milk carton. It feels like a hotel out of a dystopian novel. They expect you to do everything yourself, but you still have to pay and tip them.

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    Would buy here again

    Stay over 2 days membership scam

    I messed up by getting a membership at this place, thinking I'd save some money on my stay. Boy was I wrong! I paid a good chunk of cash for the membership, only to discover that the price magically went up to the normal rate for non-members. I felt totally scammed and ripped off. I won't be staying at this place ever again, that's for sure.

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    Would buy here again

    Membership renewal issue

    Do not sign up for a membership with this company, trust me! They keep changing the benefits without letting you know and it's really hard to cancel. I have been getting charged on my card repeatedly even after they said they canceled my membership. Dealing with customer service is a total nightmare and even their own employees can't fix the problem.

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    Would buy here again

    Overcharged receipt

    I was so mad when I found out that I got charged too much on my receipt. Even though I knew exactly what the local tax was supposed to be, the hotel just added on some extra charge without even telling me why. I've been coming to this place for years, but after this happened, I'm never coming back. It's not right to rip off customers like that, especially when we work hard for our money.

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    Would buy here again

    Reservation problem

    I had a horrible time trying to get in touch with them! I called so many times but nobody answered. The chat bot was no help, just sending me robotic replies that didn't solve anything. I just wanted to know if my reservation went through, but they made it impossible to find out. Dealing with companies like that, who don't care about customers and only care about money, is beyond frustrating. It felt like they were basically telling me to go kick rocks with their poor communication.

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    Would buy here again

    Meeting room booking issue

    I wanted to book a meeting room with lunch at this place, but I had some issues. I found out that you're supposed to request breakfast or lunch reservations 48 hours in advance, which wasn't mentioned on their website. I'll need to speak with someone tomorrow to see if they can make an exception and provide us with sandwiches for the meeting. And the job titles at this place are really confusing and just add to the difficulty. It's frustrating!

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    Would buy here again

    Annual stay at Tower Bridge Hotel

    I've been going to the same hotel for about five years now, visiting three times a year. Lately, I've noticed they're not as clean, the check-in process is more complicated, and the service just isn't as good. On top of that, the prices keep going up, so it's not as good a deal as it used to be. My last stay was a real bummer - they overcharged me big time, and I had to get my credit card company involved to straighten it out. I get that mistakes happen, but how they handle them is what really matters. Because of all this, I've decided to stop going to this hotel and I won't recommend it to anyone anymore.

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