GoToMeeting Reviews

: 24

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25% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Web conferencing service
I'm loving this web conferencing service I found online! It's so cool because you can h...Read on
S. Tillman

Most relevant negative review

Unreliable platform
This platform is always having problems with the connection, sound, and/or video. Even when every...Read on

Review with most votes

GoToMeeting Jive's VoIP phone
Easy to use platform! GoToMeeting offers a very powerful communication tool that's easy to confi...Read on
Glenn IT manager small business

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Poor teleconferencing system

    Man, this teleconferencing system is the absolute worst. It never works right, the audio is all kinds of bad and cuts out all the time. It's just a total mess.

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    Would buy here again

    Virtual meetings software

    It's really frustrating when we have audio problems, issues with sharing videos, or when we get disconnected during virtual meetings. It seems like it's a common problem for everyone using this software in our classes. It can be so annoying and makes it seem unprofessional, especially during important business meetings or classes. I've had my fair share of technical glitches that mess up the flow of the meeting and waste a lot of precious time. And I've noticed others dealing with the same problems too, so it's not just me. I was hoping for better performance from a software that promises to simplify and improve virtual meetings.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription service

    I am really annoyed because this subscription service keeps taking money from my account without me knowing or agreeing to it. The way they handle billing is sketchy, and trying to get a refund has been a total nightmare. They make canceling the service super hard on purpose, with lots of steps and obstacles to deal with. Be careful if you decide to do business with this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Video conferencing software

    I bought some video conferencing software for my company not too long ago and man, let me tell you, I am not happy at all with the service I'm getting. At first, they promised it was all free but then I found out that if I wanted any help or support, I had to pay up for an upgraded version. That sneaky move is just not cool at all and honestly, it's really rubbed me the wrong way.

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    Would buy here again

    Video conference services

    I've been a customer for a while now and I've always been happy with the video conference services. Lately though, I've noticed the quality of the calls has gone down. It's been a few months now and the video and audio are often blurry, with interruptions during important meetings. I really hope this can get sorted out soon.

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    Would buy here again

    Webinar Invitation Issues

    I'm really upset about all the spam I keep getting from webinar invitations. This company lets people load spam lists into ANY webinar invite, so I'm flooded with emails I don't want. And even though there's a "Stop Webinar Emails" link, it only lets you opt out of certain emails, not all of them. It's so annoying not having control over my inbox like this. I think this might be breaking data protection laws like GDPR and CCPA, so I'm going to report them for it.

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    Would buy here again

    Account management issues

    I've been dealing with some ongoing problems when it comes to managing my account, especially with making payments and combining accounts. It seems like there's a breakdown between different parts of the company or their systems, which is causing a lot of confusion and things to not run smoothly. I've tried reaching out multiple times and sending payment emails, but the issue still isn't fixed. Not having a specific account manager to talk to or a clear explanation is just making things more frustrating. It feels like I'm dealing with different companies instead of one whole organization.

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    Would buy here again

    Online meeting software

    It used to be great, but now it's terrible. The software is barely functional and really hard to update. Trying to cancel subscriptions is a total nightmare, and there's absolutely no customer service. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of this company.

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