Incerunmen Reviews

: 22

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45% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Cool shirts
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share that I recently picked up some really cool shirts from this ...Read on
Giuseppe Conroy

Most relevant negative review

A $300 order placed on 10/14
I recently bought something from this company, and honestly, I've been super let down by the...Read on

Review with most votes

I bought 6 pieces
So i had the worst experience with ordering with them the first time and NEVER will I order from ...Read on

Reviews (22)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bought clothes online

    I was kinda nervous ordering from this place 'cause you don't even get a tracking number, but my stuff actually came in a few weeks! It's from China, so it's not the fastest, but it's not too bad. I usually wear a Large and everything fit me just right. The clothes aren't super high quality, but they look good and people always ask me where I got them from. I found this store on Insta or FB, and even though some of the designs are a little crazy, I keep coming back for more.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Recent clothing purchases

    I've bought a bunch of clothes from this website in the last few months, and honestly, it's legit. The shipping can be a little slow and there's no tracking, but my stuff always arrives eventually. Sizes can sell out fast and they don't always restock, so if you see something you want, snatch it up quick. The customer service is pretty good too; they always answer my emails about stock and help me find items that aren't on the website.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cool shirts

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share that I recently picked up some really cool shirts from this store. Only thing is, I wish they had pockets for my stuff. Guys need pockets too, right? It would definitely step up the shirt game if they included pockets for us to use. Besides that, the designs are awesome and the materials are top-notch. Keep it up, but maybe consider adding pockets in the future!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Clothing, online store, hesitant

    I was a little unsure about buying from this online store at first, but I decided to just go for it. I was happy to see all the different clothes they had on their website, and the whole ordering thing was easy peasy.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Returning 2 items

    I'm really upset with how customer service at this place is not getting back to me. I've been trying to return these two things, but they're not answering me at all. I even tried asking if I could swap them for a different size, but I really just want my money back. It's frustrating dealing with this lack of response and communication.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    A $300 order placed on 10/14

    I recently bought something from this company, and honestly, I've been super let down by the whole experience. This was my third time ordering from them, but this time has been a total disaster. I haven't gotten any tracking info about my order, and all the emails I've sent in the past week have been ignored. I've tried to ask about tracking, sent my receipt, and checked back multiple times, but still nothing. This lack of communication and customer service is not okay with me. I'm definitely going to start looking for other online stores that have better communication and service moving forward.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My stuff was super cool!

    OMG, everything I received was amazing and definitely worth the wait! The quality was top-notch for the price, and I was so happy with my order. Sure, it took like 20 days to arrive, but it was totally worth it!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quality products, great service

    I was really impressed with all the different high-quality products they had on the site. Their service was top-notch, and I would definitely recommend this place to anyone who wants a great experience.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Oversized clothes

    The clothes I ordered were so big compared to other Asian sizes. And when I tried to return them, I never heard anything about where to send them back or get my money back. It's just not cool.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Late delivery and unresponsive customer service

    This company is a total nightmare to deal with! I ordered something a while ago and it still hasn't shown up. When I asked about it, they said I had to wait another 10 working days for them to look into it. In the meantime, I asked for my money back and I still haven't heard anything from them. It's so annoying how they're not being upfront or keeping in touch. I wouldn't tell anyone to use this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    5 pieces ordered

    I just bought 5 things from this store, and let me tell you, I was super bummed out about the quality and fit. I did all the right measurements and checked the size chart, but every single item I got was just not right. The clothes were all wonky and poorly put together, and the quality was seriously lacking. Save your money and skip this store, there are way better options out there.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Large purchase delay

    I made a big purchase from this company, spent over $1,300, ya know? Got the confirmation that my payment went through, and I was waiting to hear about when it'd be shipped out. But like, it's been over two weeks now and I haven't heard anything about where my order is at. Their website says shipping usually takes 15-20 days, but I haven't gotten any updates or anything.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Clothing items

    I just bought some clothes from this place, and I gotta say, I'm super bummed about the quality. They showed up pretty quickly, but the fabric was cheap and the cuts were all wonky. Plus, even though I got everything in a medium, the sizes were all over the place. Definitely not worth the money. I'd suggest looking elsewhere to buy clothes.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    hoodie and joggers

    Oh my gosh, I can't believe how terrible it was to order from those scammers! My stuff arrived super late and the tracking number didn't even work. Seriously, what a mess! I had to practically beg for a refund for two weeks before they finally agreed. I was so close to reporting them for fraud. Can you even imagine?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Leather pants

    My time with this company was just so disappointing. I ordered some leather pants, but they never showed up. I tried talking to customer service, but they didn't do anything to help or explain why the pants were missing. The way they didn't keep me in the loop and didn't care about making things right left me feeling really annoyed and disappointed.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Facebook advertising

    The way that company does their ads is so deceptive and misleading, it's just not right! People are getting ripped off left and right with no way to fight back. I really think Facebook needs to switch up their rules to stop these shady companies from preying on consumers.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Oversized clothes

    The clothes I bought were way too big compared to other similar “Asian” brands. They actually flew all the way from Hong Kong, which was cool but kinda over the top. The real issue was when I tried to return them. I sent a bunch of emails but never got a response on where to send things back or how to get my money back. The lack of communication and customer service really turned me off, so I won’t be shopping here again.

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