Threadbare Reviews

: 27

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59% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

New jumper purchase
I was looking for a particular sweater that I just couldn't find in stores, so I thought I&#...Read on
Damien Grant

Most relevant negative review

I bought this shirt that was really big on me. I wanted to return it, but the website was saying ...Read on
T. Friesen

Review with most votes

Customer satisfaction
As a client of Threadbare, I have been extremely satisfied with my experience with the company. T...Read on
Anissa Feest

Reviews (27)






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    Would buy here again

    Refund for a fraudulent item

    I had to ask for a refund from this company because they sent me a fake item. It's been more than a month and I still haven't gotten my money back. I'm really upset about this and I suggest that other people steer clear of buying from them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ordered a shirt that was too small

    I was so pumped to receive this new shirt I ordered online, but man, was I disappointed when it came and was way too small! Dealing with the return process was a hassle, and on top of that, I had to fork over extra cash to ship it back. I ended up being out $7 in the end. Such a letdown. I'd advise against buying from this place unless you're positive about the size you need!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Mixed feelings

    The customer service was okay, but I wasn't happy with how the algorithm didn't really match my style. Some of the clothes seemed kind of cheap and I only want to keep 2 out of the 7 items I got. I'm planning to donate the rest.

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    Would buy here again

    Item color mix-up

    The customer service was awesome when I realized the color of the item I received wasn't what I expected. They sorted it out really quickly and the item turned out to be good quality and stylish, but just not in the color I had in mind.

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    Would buy here again

    No return policy

    I was really surprised when I found out that this company doesn't allow returns unless the product is broken. Even though there are rules for distance sales that allow returns, they only take them if the item is faulty. This lack of flexibility is kind of a bummer and makes me think twice about buying from them in the future. It's crucial for customers to be able to return things if they're not happy, no matter the reason.

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    Would buy here again

    Expensive delivery and return fees

    I'm really frustrated with this company! It's so annoying how they charge crazy high fees for delivery and also make you pay to return stuff for an exchange. It's just not right that customers have to spend almost $20 just to get the right item. They really need to fix their exchange system soon because this is just not okay. It's really disappointing that customers are the ones who lose out. I'm definitely going to find somewhere else to shop.

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    Would buy here again

    Trousers purchase for Christmas

    I bought a pair of pants near the end of November, hoping they would get here before Christmas. But, the return policy only covers stuff bought between December 4th and 24th. So now I'm stuck with these pants that don't fit and I can't even swap them for something else. It's really irritating to spend money on something that ends up being useless because of strict return rules. And it makes me wonder about the company's values – it seems like they'd rather sell ill-fitting items than make sure customers are happy.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Small sizes always out of stock

    I'm really annoyed that this store never has things in my size. I've been waiting forever for stuff I like to be in stock again, but nothing's different. It's frustrating to always see only small sizes when I need my size.

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