Magazines Direct Reviews

: 33

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12% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Great collection
Great collections and huge categories of books My area of interest is very well included in of ...Read on
Patrick D

Most relevant negative review

Magazine subscription purchase
I just got a magazine subscription, but it was a really bad experience with Magazines Direct. The...Read on
Ethyl Wintheiser

Reviews (33)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine Subscription

    I am really upset with my experience at this company. I've been waiting for my magazine subscription for way too long, and it seems like I'm not the only one dealing with this problem according to the reviews I've seen. I think it's fair to expect better service and communication from a company that I'm paying for a subscription. It's pretty straightforward - just give me my magazine or give me a refund.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine Subscription

    I just bought a magazine subscription from this company, and I was really let down by the whole thing. Trying to cancel my subscription was such a hassle, I had to reach out to customer service through email. It seemed sneaky to me, especially since signing up in the first place was so simple. The whole process made me wonder about the company's honesty. Even though the magazines were good quality, the shady cancellation process ruined the whole experience for me. I think that keeping customers happy should be a key focus for any business, and this company didn't make the cut on that front.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine subscription

    I just bought a subscription to a magazine and ran into some problems with my account getting charged twice. I tried reaching out to customer service, but it took a while to finally get the issue sorted out and those extra charges just kept showing up. Dealing with all of that was really frustrating and disappointing.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine purchase

    I got a magazine from there and it was such a bad experience. Their stocks are down and they treat customers poorly. They even take money without asking!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cancelled subscription

    This company is terrible! They canceled my subscription without even letting me know and then they went and basically stole my money! I tried to get my refund for the magazines that never showed up, but instead, they just took even more money from me. I've called and emailed them countless times, but all they do is keep feeding me lies. I'm seriously thinking about taking legal action against them!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I ordered some magazines from this company, but it was a disaster. They never responded to my emails and just sent a generic document that didn't address all my concerns. I had to constantly reach out to them for updates on my delivery, and it was really frustrating!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bad purchase

    This company is just terrible. I ordered something and never received it. When I called to inquire about it, the person I spoke with was extremely rude and offered no assistance whatsoever. To make matters worse, they never followed through with issuing a refund as promised. I have a feeling they might be taking advantage of people.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine subscription purchase

    I bought a magazine subscription online after reading some really good reviews. I was excited at first, but the delivery part of the service has been a letdown. The company they use for delivery is causing all sorts of delays, making me feel like I'm being scammed. I'm not the only one feeling this way, many other customers would probably rate this experience pretty low.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription not received

    I'm so frustrated with the service from Magazines Direct. I signed up for a 3-month subscription, but I haven't gotten any magazines yet. Every time I reach out for help, all I get is a generic response saying my magazines might be lost in the mail and that they'll send replacements. But I haven't seen any replacements or even heard what's really going on. It's just disappointing to know that other people are having the same problems with their subscriptions.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine subscription

    I'm really upset with how things are going with my magazine subscription. It's been two whole months since I signed up, and I still haven't gotten a single issue. They kept saying they'd send me replacements, but I never got anything. And when I asked for a refund, they just stopped talking to me. I'm pretty sure this whole thing is a scam.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Missing Subscriptions

    I had a really annoying experience with this company recently. They said I didn't have subscriptions that I've had for years. I showed them proof of my payments and emails, but their customer service was no help at all. I am really let down by how they dealt with everything, and I would advise others to steer clear of this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine subscriptions and one-shot bookazines

    I've had some pretty bad experiences with this company. Both my magazine subscriptions and one-time bookazine orders have had a lot of issues. The latest problem was not getting the Christmas issue of a magazine, even after they promised to send replacements. I also had trouble getting all the bookazines I ordered, with reasons like technical difficulties and limits on how many items I could order. Their poor communication and failure to follow through has really let me down and made me frustrated.

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    Would buy here again

    Decanter Magazine subscription issue

    My experience buying a subscription to Decanter Magazine was a total disaster. I ordered it in October 2023, but got charged multiple times on my credit card for the same subscription. Even after many calls to customer service and no magazines, I decided to cancel in February. I've gotten 3 refunds, but I'm still waiting on the last one, which they keep saying has been processed. It's been super frustrating and disappointing dealing with all of this.

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    Would buy here again

    E-gift card purchase delayed

    I bought an e-gift card not too long ago, but it's been a whole 4 weeks and I haven't gotten it yet. I tried contacting customer service for help, but they weren't much assistance. It's been a real hassle overall. I'm really let down by how this organization has handled things, and honestly, I wouldn't suggest them to anyone.

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    Would buy here again

    Silly mix-ups

    The people working at this store keep messing up my account and it's seriously driving me crazy! I've been trying to get things sorted out for what feels like forever, and no matter what I do, they just can't seem to get it right. I've spent countless hours emailing back and forth, and let me tell you, it's just been super stressful. Every time it looks like the problem is finally fixed, someone else jumps in and we're right back to square one. It's like a never-ending cycle of confusion and frustration. I've asked them so many times to provide me with the contact information for a manager or their legal person, but so far, no luck. Maybe they need a magic spell to get things straightened out!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Metal Hammer magazine subscription

    I've been really let down by my experience trying to get a subscription to Metal Hammer magazine. I haven't gotten a single issue since December. I've tried emailing and calling multiple times in the last two months, but all I've gotten are excuses about the magazine getting lost in the mail. They've promised to resend the magazine five times now, but I haven't seen a single one show up. It's pretty clear that this company doesn't plan on keeping their word and giving me what I paid for. I won't be signing up for another subscription with them, and I'd advise others to steer clear of their shady and unreliable practices.

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    Would buy here again

    Cookbook purchase, payment troubles

    I was really looking forward to getting a new cookbook, but man, it turned out to be a total mess! I attempted to order it two times, and each time they told me there was an issue processing my card. Seriously? Don't they want my money or what?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Incorrect magazine received

    I ordered this specific magazine from the company but they ended up sending me the wrong one, not just once but twice. I was super frustrated, so I reached out to customer service to try and fix things. Unfortunately, they were no help at all and didn't want to own up to their mistake. I was really disappointed with the lack of care and their poor service, it left me feeling really unsatisfied with how things turned out.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Magazine binders purchase

    What a total disaster dealing with this company! I ordered 2 magazine binders a week ago and even though they took my money, the binders still haven't shown up. I've tried reaching out to customer service, but it's a total joke. All I want is for them to send my order - is that really too much to ask?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    MacLife Magazine Subsciption

    Magazines Direct changed my MacLife Magazine print subscription to a digital one without my permission. In addition, they are so incompetent they could not get my digital account to work and I cannot access the digital MacLife Magazines. I've requested a refund and they are completely ignoring me and have not refunded me. I'll never do business with them again.

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