Trivago Reviews

: 30

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30% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hotel booking
I've been using this service for a while, and it's really come in handy for me when I&#...Read on
B. Kautzer

Most relevant negative review

Overcharged and no reservation
They totally ripped me off and didn't even save my room. I couldn't find a phone number...Read on

Review with most votes

Mediocre experience with Triva
I've been using Trivago for a few years now to book my hotel stays and I've generally had a decen...Read on
Jerrod Haag

Reviews (30)






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    Would buy here again

    Hotel booking experience

    I wanted to share my recent hotel booking experience with you all. I tried booking a room through an online travel agency, and it turned out to be a letdown. They guaranteed a nice room but stuck me in a not-so-great spot. The hotel they picked was not what I had in mind, which left me pretty annoyed and feeling deceived. Just a heads up, be careful when booking with this online agency. Double-check your reservations to avoid getting stuck in a bad situation like mine.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking experience with a hotel

    I had a really bad experience booking a hotel through that website recently. They sent me to a hotel that ended up being a scam, and I lost $2500 because of it. Even after asking for help, no one took responsibility and I never got it sorted out. It's pretty upsetting that they keep promoting places that are so dishonest.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel booking experience

    My experience booking a hotel through this platform was really disappointing. I thought I was making a reservation, but turns out a different company was actually handling the booking process. They charged me upfront, but then told me later that they couldn't guarantee the booking and needed confirmation from a third party. It's just not right to lack transparency and accountability like that. It's not fair to customers like me.

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    Would buy here again

    False advertising

    This company is super sneaky! They show you one thing and then give you something totally different. It's just not fair. I can't believe they actually get away with this.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel booking

    I was really let down by my recent experience with Trivago. I booked a hotel through their site and was completely surprised by how different it was from the pictures online. It was a total disaster. On top of that, the customer service was terrible - I couldn't get anyone to address my concerns or give me any help.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel reservation transfer

    Trivago switched my hotel booking over to PriceTravel, but when I went to cancel, the site was down. The confirmation said I'd get a "100% Refund," but I couldn't even get a hold of anyone to help. Dealing with this mess was a total nightmare, and I ended up having to get my credit card company involved to finally get it sorted.

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    Would buy here again

    Misleading AI Advertisement

    This ad with AI is laughable. The pretend AI actor selling something important is just not well done. I can't take it seriously at all. It's a waste of time and not convincing. I thought this platform would do better.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel booking through a third-party site

    I just booked a hotel through a third-party site and it turned out to be a real headache. The booking company seemed sketchy and gave me no way to cancel my reservation, no matter how many times I tried. I reached out to customer service but got no help at all. The website itself was a mess and kept giving me error messages every time I tried to cancel. It was really frustrating, so I'd recommend being careful when booking through that site.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel stay

    So, my family and I chose to stay at this hotel because it was super close to where we needed to catch our cruise ship. But man, what a letdown it turned out to be. The moment we walked in, a funky smell hit us. And let me tell you, the pictures on the website painted a much prettier picture than what we saw in person. The rooms were not only ancient and musty, but the bed was all creaky and lumpy. The shower curtains had seen better days - they were all torn up, and the bathroom had some mold creeping around. To top it all off, there was this huge black spot on the mirror! On top of that, it seemed like anybody could just saunter in without anyone even noticing. I wouldn't suggest this place to anyone - not worth the money, that's for sure.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel review rejected

    I'm a frequent customer on this platform and I like to leave reviews, especially if my experience was really good or really bad. But, yesterday I tried to post a positive review about a hotel and it got rejected. They said it was to help improve the quality of reviews and make them more credible, but I think they just didn't want any negative feedback. What do you think about all this?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Scammy website

    Big thanks to Trivago for directing me to, which turned out to be a sketchy site that didn't come through for me at all. Trivago, I had higher expectations, especially with all those flashy ads, but now I realize you're just leading us to unreliable websites that end up causing issues with our credit cards. Come on, Trivago! Don't bother trying to ask me for a solution because you should've gotten it right from the start. Disappointing!

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