Activewear Group Reviews

: 33

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18% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Activewear - Order Confirmatio
I recently had a cool experience with my purchase at Activewear. Once I placed my order, I was le...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Long wait, poor communication
I'm really disappointed with the service I received from Activewear Group as a customer. I p...Read on
L. McCullough

Review with most votes

Delayed order and unresponsive
I ordered a few things from this company, but man, they never showed up. I shot them an email to ...Read on
Amya Murray

Reviews (33)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Leggings and a sports bra

    Oh my gosh! So, I ordered these adorable leggings and a sports bra, right? But then they sent me an email talking about some "technical issues" and told me to email them for a refund. So, I did, but then I just got the same automated email again! It's been forever and I still haven't heard anything back from them. My mom thinks we should report them to the police because what they're doing is totally not okay. We gotta shut down these scammers right now!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed order delivery

    I recently bought some stuff from Activewear Group and man, it's been a total mess. I ordered weeks ago and still haven't gotten my stuff. First, I got an email confirming my order, but after that, it's been radio silence. Every time I've tried to ask for an update, I either get a canned response or nothing at all. I've even asked for a refund twice, but no luck. It's frustrating to see them take my money so fast and then not deliver the goods on time. If my order was bigger, I might've taken legal action. Looks like I'll have to chalk this up as a lesson learned and be more careful in the future with online suppliers.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Two months wait

    I placed an order with this company about two months ago and I haven't gotten the tops I ordered yet. I've reached out through email multiple times, some of which got replies and some didn't. Every time I talk to customer service, they say they're sending my order again quickly, but nothing has arrived. Definitely not happy with this company - they're terrible.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My activewear purchase

    Oh my goodness, I ordered activewear from this company and it was seriously the worst experience ever! I placed the order a while back and still haven't received it. I even tried to cancel, but never got a response. Ended up getting my clothes from somewhere else because this company is just awful. Can't believe they're still up and running. Had to go through my card provider to get my money back because their service is just so terrible!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Children's hoodie

    I ordered a kids' hoodie back in early February and got an email right after saying there would be a delay in delivery. It's already May and I still haven't received it. I asked for a refund and now I'm just waiting to hear back. I wouldn't recommend buying from this company to anyone.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My leggings

    I ordered these really cute leggings from this company back on March 3rd, and guess what? I still haven't gotten them! I've hit them up four times now asking for my money back, but no leggings or refund yet. It's getting pretty annoying! I've heard some stuff about this company being shady and messing up with trade standards. That's not cool at all! People should definitely know about this sketchy business!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    my new gym clothes

    I recently bought some new workout clothes from this one store, but man, they really messed up my order! My family placed two orders and both times we got nothing, even though we paid extra for fast delivery. They keep blaming it on tech issues, but I'm pretty sure they're just coming up with excuses. And on top of that, they don't even have a customer service phone number to call! I really should've checked out the reviews before shopping there.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Activewear items

    I wanted to share my recent experience buying some activewear from this company. Honestly, it was pretty disappointing overall. I ordered 6 items back on March 27th, but didn't get them until May 11th after a bunch of reminders. The long wait time was really annoying. On top of that, I kept getting emails about problems with their orders and too many marketing emails, which just made me even more unhappy. It seems like this company has some major management issues that they really need to fix as soon as possible. If they don't, they could be in trouble.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cancelled order due to delayed delivery

    I had a really bad experience with this company. I ordered some activewear but had to cancel because the delivery was taking forever. I tried reaching out to them through email and their website multiple times, but got no answer. They still charged me without giving me anything, which is not ok. It's totally unprofessional and feels like they're trying to scam people. I recommend not buying anything from this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Seven plain hoodies

    My experience with this company was really disappointing. I ordered seven plain hoodies and it took nearly two months for them to finally send out only half of my order. When I contacted them about the missing items, I found out they were out of stock. The lack of communication and organization on their end is just not okay. They tried to blame a system upgrade for the delay, but that's no excuse for such bad service. I would suggest avoiding this company unless you're okay with waiting a super long time for your order.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ordered a size 12 leggings

    I ordered some size 12 leggings but they sent me size 16 shorts instead, so annoying! I reached out to them about the mistake and returned the shorts, but it's been weeks and I still haven't gotten my money back. It feels like they're trying to rip me off!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I recently bought something from Activewear Group and let me tell you, my time with them has been a total disaster, just like all those 1-star reviews said. So, I made my order a month ago and they took my money right away. But guess what? A whole month went by and still no sign of my stuff. I hit up customer service through email and got this long explanation about some system upgrade mess causing delays. Fine, I get it. But when the delivery date they gave me passed and still nothing, I reached out again and got that same old generic response. Ugh, no progress at all! At that point, I was just done, so I canceled my order. But here we are, no refund yet. So now, I'm just waiting for that 30-day mark to hit so I can get my credit card company involved. This whole thing has me scratching my head at how they run their business.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed delivery and lack of communication

    I recently bought something from this company, and man, it was a huge mess. I placed my order more than two weeks ago, thinking I'd get it in 3-7 days like it said on their site. But guess what? My order hasn't even been shipped yet, and to top it off, Activewear Group hasn't replied to any of my emails. I've sent them three so far, and all I got back was a generic email blaming warehouse IT problems. Well, that's great and all, but I still don't have my stuff or any real response from them. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of this company, folks.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed response and lack of customer service

    This company, let me tell you, is a total nightmare to deal with. I've been waiting for 6 weeks to hear back from them about my emails, and all I keep getting are those annoying auto-response messages saying their systems are down. It's beyond frustrating to be constantly ignored like this. I've tried reaching out to different email addresses and I'm still getting nowhere. It almost feels like they're purposefully dodging customers. I've never, ever dealt with such terrible service from a company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My order from Activewear Group

    I ordered from this place and I was pretty disappointed with what I got. I reached out to them about the problem and they gave me a refund right away, which was nice. I'm not sure if I'll order from them again in the future. On the bright side, they did offer me a discount if I decide to give them another shot.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bought some workout clothes

    Don't buy from them, man. They told me my order would be delayed because of some technical problems, but it never even came. And they won't even respond to emails, like c'mon! If they're having issues, they should either stop taking orders or at least give us a heads up that it's gonna be a long wait. Don't fall for their scam, for real.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed order and unresponsive customer service

    I ordered a few things from this company, but man, they never showed up. I shot them an email to see what's up, and they told me there's a delay of X number of days. Fast forward a month later, and still no sign of my stuff. I've asked for a refund over and over, but they keep brushing me off or just asking for my order number to look into it. And what do you know, I never hear from them again.

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