Bulletproof Zone Reviews

: 381

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99% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Plate Carrier purchase
I had a really good experience with the customer service at this store. At first, I couldn't...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Bulletproof vest
I recently bought a bulletproof vest from this company and I was really let down by the prices an...Read on

Review with most votes

2 x 11x14 backpack inserts.
After 30 days, and emails to the company, I received 1. I paid for two. Sent another email aski...Read on
Jamille Decker Alimard

Reviews (381)






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    Would buy here again

    AR500 armor/ Spartan shooters cut carrier package

    I am very pleased with Bulletproof Zone. I placed my order on a Saturday and it arrived at my house the following Thursday. The packaging was perfectly intact and my product was fully protected during transit. The product itself seems to be very well made, though I have not worn it to work as of yet. I believe the pricing to be moderate and fair for the protection it will offer. I spoke with Chris on the phone and he was more than helpful and made it a seamless buying experience. Thanks again!!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    2 x 11x14 backpack inserts.

    After 30 days, and emails to the company, I received 1.
    I paid for two. Sent another email asking for remediation. Haven’t heard back. Very disappointed.

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