Box Reviews

: 37

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8% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Renewal subscription issue
I had a problem with renewing my subscription recently because I missed the email reminder. But, ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Fragrance and Home Decor
I'm really upset about the stuff I got in my order. I thought I would be getting some nice t...Read on

Review with most votes

great services
Box is pretty awesome and its really favorable as well . I think its pretty easy to buy. I am tak...Read on
Ellis connis

Reviews (37)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Overpriced Mystery Box

    Can you believe it? I fell for that scam and ended up paying way more than I should have for a bunch of worthless stuff. Trust me, don't waste your money on that rip-off. Just stay away from it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Overpriced storage

    This company is the absolute worst, I swear. Why do they keep asking for the same information over and over again? And they can't even apologize for being clueless! It's ridiculous how they can't even bother to read previous emails. I tried to file a complaint and they acted like they couldn't see it or something. And then they have the nerve to push unnecessary charges on you, like they're trying to rob you blind. It's beyond frustrating!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online data storage service

    This online data storage service is just a nightmare to use, seriously. It doesn't work well with other storage formats like it says it does, and it can't even do simple stuff like resizing windows to see full file names. Trying to preview files is a pain, and most of the time the previews don't even load right. It's honestly made my work a lot harder and has wasted so much of my time. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone in my line of work.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription renewal nightmare

    I tried to cancel my subscription, but it felt like I was stuck in a maze with no way out. The company's terms and conditions seemed like a secret language only they understood, so canceling felt impossible. I had to log in to their website, which was a real puzzle, and even then, there was no clear way to cancel. The whole process was confusing and frustrating, making me feel like I was trapped in a cycle of endless payments. Customer service didn't help much, so I ended up feeling pretty disappointed. I won't be using this service again and will be searching for a better one that actually cares about its customers.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Locked out as a customer

    OMG, I can't even deal right now. I was trying to log in to my account and I ended up getting locked out. I mean, seriously, how does that even happen? And then when I tried to get some help, the sales team seemed like they didn't even care. It's like, hey, I'm a paying customer over here! And let's not even go there with the billing and support team - they wouldn't even pick up the phone! It's almost like they don't want my money or something. I can't even wrap my head around how this company is still in business. They seriously need to step up their game, for real!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Mysterious electronic box purchase

    I'm really bummed about the electronic box I bought from that company. It wasn't anything like what they said it would be. I feel like I got ripped off, and I'm going to make sure to call them out on it. Selling things that aren't what they claim and taking advantage of customers is just not cool. I'm so annoyed and mad about this situation, and I think I need to do something about it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription box purchase

    This subscription box is a total rip-off. I got a box with hardly anything in it, and on top of that, there was another empty box inside. I'm definitely gonna report this scam.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Box for $40

    Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! I ordered this box for $40 and when it showed up, it was all junk! Seriously, I could have found better stuff at the dollar store. It totally felt like a rip-off and now I'm just super bummed out. I feel like I got totally scammed!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Received defective products and missing items

    I just bought some stuff, but it was a real bummer because some things were broken and other stuff was missing. One of the boxes was already opened, my watch was missing, and the glasses I got had the wrong prescription. I spent a lot of money, but what I got back was worth way less. It's a total letdown to have such a bad time with my purchase.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Casenotes migration difficulty

    I've been with this company as a customer for a year now and I've stored all my clinical casenotes for multiple clients through them. The problem came when I wanted to switch my data and end my services - it was a nightmare. They don't have an easy way for me to transfer my info. Their solution? Print out each client's notes individually, which means tons of pages to scan and save manually. It's not only a huge waste of time but also makes me worried about the security and storage of my data. Plus, as someone who has to follow standards and date/sign each note, this whole situation is just not working for me. I expected better options for data migration from this company, and changes definitely need to be made.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Misaligned expectations

    The product I got was totally not what I expected, and on top of that, the stuff was really low quality and some of it even came broken. I want my money back for this bad situation and need help figuring out how to send back the stuff.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Sneaky charges

    They went ahead and charged my credit card without even giving me a heads up, and when I reached out to them immediately, they refused to give me a refund. I am extremely upset about this whole situation!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online customer service experience

    I had this online customer service experience that really ticked me off recently. I had set up this Zoom meeting with a rep, but they never showed up and didn't even bother letting me know. When they finally got in touch, their excuse for missing our appointment was weak. I was pretty worried about the lack of communication and professionalism I saw. I tried to reschedule, but never heard back from them. It made me feel like they didn't care about me as a customer.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online subscription purchase

    As someone who uses this online subscription service, I gotta say it's been a real headache. The website is a pain to figure out, the instructions on how to handle my subscription are confusing. Plus, they don't make it clear how much it costs or what's included. And when I try to reach out to customer service, they seem swamped and never get back to me. I wouldn't suggest this service to anyone, it's just not worth the trouble.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Surprise electronic gadgets

    I received my surprise electronic gadgets box today! I was super stoked to open it up and check out what awesome items I received. But you know what? I ended up getting 2 pairs of plastic glasses, a potato peeler, an empty box, and a $1 watch. Are you kidding me? Such a letdown! I could have easily bought all of these things at the dollar store for a lot less money. Ugh, so frustrating.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Robot toy

    Oh my gosh, I got this awesome robot toy and it was really cool at first. But, like, it totally broke after only a week! I was super disappointed because I used my allowance money to buy it, and now I can't even play with it anymore. That's not cool, dude.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Electronic product purchase

    I made the mistake of buying some things online that I thought were going to be electronics, but boy was I disappointed when I got the package. Inside, there was just a potato peeler, a watch that doesn't work, an empty box, and some really cheap eyelash trimmers. What a total scam!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fast delivery and poor quality products.

    This company is a total scam, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I ordered some stuff, and they got here fast, but man, the quality was awful. It feels like they don't give a darn about us customers. And don't even get me started on their customer service - so unhelpful and downright rude when I tried to talk about my concerns. Sure, the prices might look good at first, but it ain't worth it for the junk you end up with. All in all, a bummer of an experience that I wouldn't want anybody else to go through.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Enterprise plan subscription

    I recently signed up for the enterprise plan and was told by customer support that data migration would be easy. But now, after only a week of migrating, I got an email saying they might block my account for breaking their Fair-Use-Policy. This totally caught me off guard and now I feel like I've been ripped off and let down by their service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Eyebrow Product Purchase

    I bought this eyebrow product a couple of months ago and I've been using it regularly, but honestly, I haven't seen any results yet. I was really looking forward to seeing my eyebrows get fuller and in better shape, but this product just hasn't lived up to its claims. I've been following the instructions exactly, but my eyebrows still look the same as before.

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